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Ancient Secrets for a Healthy Home
For more than sixty years, ancient studies have found worldwide application in all aspects of architecture and interior design with the aim to create healthier environments and homes by balancing the flow of positive and negative energies. Vaastu Shastra, the India study of energy within the environment, and Feng shui from China are the ancient art of living in harmony with the environment.
I decided to write this book and put on paper all the mysteries and secrets I had been practicing in my design business for the past thirty years, for all to learn and understand. These studies have for millenia mapped the path of the Earth's subtle energies, endeavoring to bring harmony and well-being to people, buildings and the environment.
Why is the world interested in ancient studies?
The purpose of the ancient China and India studies was to identify instability and create a calm, healthy harmonious environment for our well-being where the mind, body and spirit become balanced with universal energy. The world today, as we see it through electronic devices and no longer newspapers, is bursting with new inventions on a daily basis. The materialistic ways of the West are becoming common everywhere and turning lifestyles into a state of chaos. People are searching for a sense of calm, a peacefulness that will ward off rare illnesses and diseases. The daily chatter of an active mind now dominates every minute of every hour. Times of rest and self-relaxation are few and far between, with no energy left for contemplation.
The time once spent listening to nature is almost non-existent. There is no time to focus on the meditation of following the inhale and exhale of our own breath with sudden stops for enlightenment, which the sages did to obtain their wisdom. The study of Patanjali aphorisms is almost non-existent compared to a few centuries ago. Ironically, the West is seeking insight from the East, while the East is turning to materialism.
The spread of ancient studies for harmony and balance is taken very seriously by architects and designers around the world. They wish to create healthy buildings and a renewed lifestyle free of multi-tasking. Stress caused by an overactive mind is lacking a harmonious environment. Outside space must be tranquil so that the body can rest and absorb the healing flow of the cosmic energies. Harmony with nature both inside and outside ourselves is attained by learning to have what we need and nothing more. Greed is the go of desire. Let go and be cleansed. The ancients believed the less you had, the less you had to worry about, so that you could fill yourself with knowledge, wisdom and harmonious energies while in a relaxing atmosphere.
Take a closer look at each space in your home or workspace. Does each area identify itself and speak to you by reflecting your personality? Or are you (so to speak) not in the picture? Is something amiss? You can read all the books you want, follow all the suggestions and make all the alterations, but if your home doesn't 'feel' just right, then your health will suffer.
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These practices offer ways and means to focus on yourself. By reducing your activities, you have time to learn how you 'feel' about things, places and people. Take some quality time and focus on yourself. Notice how you react to certain people, colors, shapes, places, foods, and other items. Ask yourself if you like them or not. Would you change them if you could? It is about the need for a calm, uncluttered space to quiet the mind and talk back to the constant chatter of intrusions. Tell them to 'Take a hike!’ It's quiet time!
Creating a home for the soul, your true self is the goal of these ancient studies. Live right, eat right – naturally. Good light, fresh air, natural foods and healthy materials in your buildings, clothes and vehicles will all add up to a longer, more purposeful life minus the chemical off-gassing substances.
Keep things simple and remember that everything in moderation is good. Once a week is better than once a day. Listen to music that feeds the soul, which will heal the body just as laughter has been known to do. Energy flow from the eight directions surrounds us no matter where we stand on the planet. Some directions are healthier than others are, as we all have different needs. Start mapping your own needs, giving yourself time everyday to heal. Attract positive energy by making your own corrections in favor of a more harmonious lifestyle with less 'chatter' in your mind. Pay attention to where you are happiest and to the surrounding colors, shapes and materials.
Since these ancient studies need to know where you are happiest, so they can truly reflect your personality and be aligned to your personal needs, be honest and list your needs. Remember the ayurveda rule, like increases like. For example... if you have a vata (air) constitution and you find your memory is not just poor but declining, you could be spending too much time in the Northwest realm, which belongs to the element air. If you are sleeping or working in this area, like increases like and leads to excess air-energy in the body. This interferes with your well-being.
Take a closer look at each space in your home or workspace. Does each area identify itself and speak to you by reflecting your personality? Or are you (so to speak) not in the picture? Is something amiss? You can read all the books you want, follow all the suggestions and make all the alterations, but if your home doesn't 'feel' just right, then your health will suffer.
The mystical movement of energy is something we cannot see, but it has the most profound effect on the body as well as the home. Make your own personal list of your favorite... colors, shapes and products. You will soon learn if you are more comfortable living with wood floors or tile, white walls or green walls, floral fabrics or stripes, round or rectangle windows, etc. Make yourself a personal portfolio and collect pictures of what you find pleasing and would be comfortable living with, then try and duplicate your 'likes'. Get rid of things you are not comfortable living with.
Over the years, we all change our opinions, needs and favorite items. Just as the weather changes from season to season, nothing ever stays the same forever. Pay attention to your health. It can tell you when it is time to refresh or change your surroundings. A change will alter the flow of energy within your space thereby aiding in preserving a healthy body.
Mallory Neeve Wilkins Writing Blog
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